Musical promenades

Spring promenade - Orsay-Royaumont Academy

6pm - Museum galleries

May 05th, 2022
© Musée d'Orsay / Sophie Crépy

The museum's collections amplify the training of young artists at the Orsay-Royaumont Academy, opening them up to other artistic fields. As you follow them in turn through famous and lesser-known paintings and sculptures, you will share their wonder in the encounter between fine art and music.



The young prize-winning artists of the Orsay-Royaumont Academy take over the rooms of the Musée d'Orsay and offer musical promenades that echo the works in the collections. Listen, watch, observe the dialogue of the arts live, at work, one might say.

The prize winners of the Orsay-Royaumont Academy

  • Florence Losseau, mezzo-soprano and Elenora Pertz, piano
  • Anne-Lise Polchlopek, mezzo-soprano and Nicolas Royez, piano
  • Gregory Feldman, baritone and Nathaniel La Nasa, piano
  • Liviu Hollender, baritone and Juliette Journaux, piano


Free admission upon presentation of a museum ticket

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