Video · Interview with the curators of the "Louis Janmot, The Poem of the Soul" exhibition

Servane Dargnies-de Vitry and Stéphane Paccoud
Stéphanne Paccoud et Servane Dargnies-de Vitry
© Musée d’Orsay / Marie Cécile Lucas

The exhibition "Louis Janmot, The Poem of the Soul" reveals the artist's pictorial and literary output developed over almost 50 years. The two curators, Servane Dargnies-de Vitry, curator of paintings at the Musée d'Orsay, and Stéphane Paccoud, head curator of 19th-century paintings and sculptures at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, present this ensemble of 34 compositions (18 paintings and 16 drawings in the same format) accompanied by 2,800 verses.

  • A Musée d'Orsay / Digital Department production;
  • Multimedia production manager: Anat Meruk ;
  • Project manager: Nina Guyader ;
  • Iconographer: Aude Durand Delannoy ;
  • Executive producer: YouBLive, Florent Peiffer, Élise Richard, Gabrielle Bouyer ;
  • Director: Marie Cécile Lucas ;
  • Image: Thomas O'Brien, Marie Cécile Lucas.

Interview by Scarlett Reliquet, cultural and scientific program manager