Campagne de France, 1814
Ernest Meissonier
(1815 -
This painting—in a small format rather unusual for a painter of military history—indicates Meissonier's taste for seventeenth-century Flemish and Dutch painting and demonstrates his nimble, polished style. Despite its smallness, the vast expanse of desolate plain and leaden sky give breadth to the scene as does the dilated perspective around the central figure of the Emperor magnified by a slightly low angle.
The least details are minutely recorded: Napoleon's sprouting beard, the veins on the horse's legs, the snow dirtied by the marching troops... the Director of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Charles Blanc, said that Meissonier "painted grandly in a small size". The artist applied the same meticulous approach, but as a historian this time, to his preparatory research: he collected abundant documentation, questioned many eyewitnesses and tried unsuccessfully to borrow the Emperor's grey coat.
Meissonier's approach was part of the historical realism movement which invaded painting and sculpture under the Second Empire. The episode he has chosen, although it occurred after several victories, announces forthcoming defeats. There is no action or event, just an atmosphere of loneliness and despondency. The doubts and resignation felt by the officers and the troops are palpable and are opposed to the determination that emanates from the isolated figure of Napoleon. These feelings are accentuated by the colour range: the whole scene uses brown and grey tones, subdued, deadened registers. The protagonists are not trampling virgin snow, but muddy ground.
Campaign of France, 1814 is in fact the first painting of an unfinished cycle of Napoleon's conquests, which brought Meissonier great acclaim.
The least details are minutely recorded: Napoleon's sprouting beard, the veins on the horse's legs, the snow dirtied by the marching troops... the Director of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Charles Blanc, said that Meissonier "painted grandly in a small size". The artist applied the same meticulous approach, but as a historian this time, to his preparatory research: he collected abundant documentation, questioned many eyewitnesses and tried unsuccessfully to borrow the Emperor's grey coat.
Meissonier's approach was part of the historical realism movement which invaded painting and sculpture under the Second Empire. The episode he has chosen, although it occurred after several victories, announces forthcoming defeats. There is no action or event, just an atmosphere of loneliness and despondency. The doubts and resignation felt by the officers and the troops are palpable and are opposed to the determination that emanates from the isolated figure of Napoleon. These feelings are accentuated by the colour range: the whole scene uses brown and grey tones, subdued, deadened registers. The protagonists are not trampling virgin snow, but muddy ground.
Campaign of France, 1814 is in fact the first painting of an unfinished cycle of Napoleon's conquests, which brought Meissonier great acclaim.
galerie Lille 2
Artwork location
titre principal : Campagne de France, 1814
titre principal : Campagne de France, 1814
Others accession number
Accession number
RF 1862
huile sur bois
H. 51,5 ; L. 76,5 cm avec cadre H. 89 ; L. 115 ; EP. 15 cm
S.D.b.d., E et M adossés : EMeissonier 1864
Place of conservation
musée d'Orsay
- de 1887 à 1889, dans la collection G. Delahante
- jusqu'en 1909, dans la collection Alfred Chauchard (acquis avant 1893)
- 1909, legs d'Alfred Chauchard aux Musées nationaux pour le musée du Louvre (testament en 1906, entrée matérielle en 1909, décret en 1910)
- 1909, attribué au musée du Louvre
- de 1909 à 1986, au musée du Louvre
- affecté au musée d'Orsay
Modality of acquisition
Acquistion Date
- Salon - palais des Champs Elysées - France, Paris, 1864, N°1328 bis
- Exposition Universelle - Champ-de-Mars - France, Paris, 1867, N° 453
- Exposition au profit des Alsaciens-Lorrains - ville - France, Paris, 1874, N°335
- Exposition Meissonier au profit de l'Hospitalité de nuit - galerie Georges Petit - France, Paris, 1884, N°63
- Exposition Universelle - Champ-de-Mars - France, Paris, 1889, N°502
- Exposition Meissonier - galerie Georges Petit - France, Paris, 1893, N°892
- Fransk Mlarkunst fra David til Courbet - organisme inconnu - Norvège, Oslo, 1928, n° 99
- Exposition d'art français XIXe - Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek - Danemark, Copenhague, 1928, n° 99
- Exposition des 318 lettres de Napoléon à Marie-Louise - Bibliothèque nationale de France - France, Paris, 1935, n° 37
- Exposition Napoléon - organisme inconnu - Etats-Unis, New York, 1935
- Exposition napoléonienne - musée - France, Ajaccio, 1950
- Napoléon et son époque - organisme inconnu - Japon, Tokyo, 1966
- Napoléon et son époque - organisme inconnu - Japon, Nagoya, 1966
- Napoléon et son époque - organisme inconnu - Japon, Osaka, 1966
- Salvador Dali : rétrospective, 1920-1980 - musée national d'art moderne - France, Paris, 1979-1980
- Rétrospective Ernest Meissonier - musée des Beaux-Arts - France, Lyon, 1993
- Wintermärchen. Winter-Darstellungen in der europaïschen Kunst von Brueghel bis Beuys - Kunsthistorisches Museum - Autriche, Vienne, 2011-2012
- Wintermärchen. Winter-Darstellungen in der europaïschen Kunst von Brueghel bis Beuys - Kunsthaus Zürich - Suisse, Zurich, 2012
- Naissance de l'impressionnisme - National Art Center - Japon, Tokyo, 2014
- El canto del cisne. Pinturas académicas del Salón de Paris. Colecciones Musée d'Orsay - Fundación Mapfre - Espagne, Madrid, 2015
- Dalí – Pitxot. Une amitié au cœur du surréalisme - musée des Beaux-Arts - Belgique, Tournai, 2017
- Gefeiert und verspottet : französische Malerei 1820-1880 - Kunsthaus Zürich - Suisse, Zurich, 2017-2018
- Napoléon, légendes - Palais Fesch - musée des beaux-arts - France, Ajaccio, 2021
General bibliography
Guilloux, Philippe, Meissonier, trois siècles d'histoire, Paris, Copernic, 1980, n° 28
Gréard, O., Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier : ses souvenirs, ses entretiens, Paris, Hachette, 1987, p.399
Exposition catalog
Ernest Meissonier : Rétrospective, cat. exp. (Lyon, musée des Beaux-Arts, du 25 mars au 27 juin 1993), Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1993, n° 106
Keisch, Claude ; Riemann-Reyher, Marie Ursula ; Loyrette, Henri, Menzel (1815-1905) : "la névrose du vrai", cat. exp. (Paris, musée d'Orsay, du 15/04/1996 au 28/07/1996 ; Washington, National Gallery of Art, du 15/09/1996 au 05/01/1997 ; Berlin, Alte Nationalgalerie, du 07/02/1997 au 11/05/1997), Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1996, fig. reprod. p.118
Haag, Sabine ; Leeuw, Ronald de Becker, Christoph, Wintermärchen : Winter-Darstellungen in der europäischen Kunst von Bruegel bis Beuys, cat. exp. (Vienne, Kunsthistorisches Museum, du 18/10/2011 au 08/01/2012 ; Zurich, Kunsthaus, du 10/02/2012 au 29/04/2012), Cologne, Dumont, 2011, n°124, p. 309 (reprod. coul.)
Maria Teresa Caracciolo [sous la direction de], Napoléon, légendes, cat. exp. (Ajaccio, Palais Fesch-musée des beaux-arts, du 02 juillet au 04 novembre 2021), Milan, Silvana Editoriale, 2021, cat. 71a, p. 206 (reprod. coul.)
Summary catalog
Compin, Isabelle ; Roquebert, Anne, Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du Musée du Louvre et du Musée d'Orsay, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1986, vol. 4, p. 81
Compin, Isabelle [coordination] ; Lacambre, Geneviève [coordination] ; Roquebert, Anne, Musée d'Orsay. Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1990, vol.2, p.312
Material and technique
Represented characters
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