L'évasion de Rochefort
Edouard Manet
(1832 -
Artwork not currently exhibited in the museum
This painting is the smaller of the two versions of Rochefort's Escape painted by Manet after December 1880. The other version is in the Kunsthaus, Zurich.
Virulently opposed to the imperial regime, Rochefort founded a political newspaper, La Lanterne in 1868. The newspaper, which was published in Brussels, was soon banned. In 1873, the journalist was sentenced to penal servitude for his role during the Commune. His spectacular, swashbuckling escape by sea, in 1874, inspired Manet to paint this strange composition, six years after the event. The artist waited for the Republican victory in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in January 1879 and a law granting the communards amnesty, in July 1880, which permitted the fugitive to return to France, before tackling the subject. He intended to enter his painting in the Salon of 1881.
By commemorating an event still fresh in all minds, Manet revolutionised the genre of history painting traditionally restricted to antique or mythological subjects. The barely recognisable hero with his tousled blond hair "like a flaming punchbowl", is here shown at the stern of a tiny dinghy bobbing through the waves. Alongside him are his accomplices, Pain, Grousset and Jourde. The sense of solitude and danger is made palpable by the size of the craft. An electric, phosphorescent sea, painted with small, flicked strokes, floods the entire canvas. It "rises to the top of the frame", where the ship that picked up the fugitives looms on the horizon.
Manet chose a vague technique to represent a six-year-old event which he had not witnessed. But the endless sea superbly conjures up the danger and drama. This paradoxical canvas also expresses his disappointment with Rochefort who had dashed his Republican hopes.
Manet Dossier
Virulently opposed to the imperial regime, Rochefort founded a political newspaper, La Lanterne in 1868. The newspaper, which was published in Brussels, was soon banned. In 1873, the journalist was sentenced to penal servitude for his role during the Commune. His spectacular, swashbuckling escape by sea, in 1874, inspired Manet to paint this strange composition, six years after the event. The artist waited for the Republican victory in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in January 1879 and a law granting the communards amnesty, in July 1880, which permitted the fugitive to return to France, before tackling the subject. He intended to enter his painting in the Salon of 1881.
By commemorating an event still fresh in all minds, Manet revolutionised the genre of history painting traditionally restricted to antique or mythological subjects. The barely recognisable hero with his tousled blond hair "like a flaming punchbowl", is here shown at the stern of a tiny dinghy bobbing through the waves. Alongside him are his accomplices, Pain, Grousset and Jourde. The sense of solitude and danger is made palpable by the size of the craft. An electric, phosphorescent sea, painted with small, flicked strokes, floods the entire canvas. It "rises to the top of the frame", where the ship that picked up the fugitives looms on the horizon.
Manet chose a vague technique to represent a six-year-old event which he had not witnessed. But the endless sea superbly conjures up the danger and drama. This paradoxical canvas also expresses his disappointment with Rochefort who had dashed his Republican hopes.
Manet Dossier
titre principal : L'évasion de Rochefort
titre principal : L'évasion de Rochefort
vers 1881
Others accession number
Accession number
RF 1984 158
huile sur toile
H. 79,0 ; L. 72,0 cm.
avec cadre H. 99,5 ; L. 92,5 cm
avec cadre H. 99,5 ; L. 92,5 cm
S.b.d. : Manet
Place of conservation
musée d'Orsay
- 1884, Vente Manet, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 4-5 février, n°84
- 1884, dans la collection M. et Mme Hecht, acquis à la vente Manet
- collection Pellet, Monaco
- collection Wildenstein, New York
- collection Florence Gould, Cannes
- 1984, accepté par l'Etat à titre de dation en paiement de droits de succession pour les Musées nationaux (comité du 24/05/1984, conseil du 30/05/1984, commission interministérielle d'agrément du 15/06/1984, décision du Ministre de l'Economie, des Finances et du Budget du 13/11/1984, arrêté du 30/11/1984)
- 1984, attribué au musée d'Orsay, Paris
Modality of acquisition
Acquistion Date
- Manet - musée Cantini - France, Marseille, 1961
- Edouard Manet 1832-1883 - Philadelphia Museum of Art - Etats-Unis, Philadelphie, 1966, n°171
- Edouard Manet 1832-1883 - The Art Institute of Chicago - Etats-Unis, Chicago, 1967, n°171
- Cinq années d'enrichissement du Patrimoine national : 1975-1980 - donations, dations, acquisitions - Galeries nationales du Grand Palais - France, Paris, 1980-1981
- Anciens et Nouveaux : choix d'oeuvres acquises par l'Etat ou avec sa participation de 1981 à 1985 - Galeries nationales du Grand Palais - France, Paris, 1985-1986
- De Manet à Matisse, 7 ans d'enrichissement au musée d'Orsay - musée d'Orsay - France, Paris, 1990-1991
- Edouard Manet. Augenblicke der Geschichte - Kunsthalle - Allemagne, Mannheim, 1992-1993
- Aux couleurs de la mer - musée d'Orsay - France, Paris, 1999-2000
- L'Impressionnisme et l'art moderne - palais de Toksu - Corée, République de, Séoul, 2000-2001
- Manet and the sea - The Art Institute of Chicago - Etats-Unis, Chicago, 2003-2004
- Manet and the sea - Philadelphia Museum of Art - Etats-Unis, Philadelphie, 2004
- Van Gogh en de zee - Van Gogh Museum - Pays-Bas, Amsterdam, 2004, n°69
- Temps d'harmonie : paradis d'artistes au XIXe siècle - City museum - Japon, Kobe, 2006
- Temps d'harmonie : paradis d'artistes au XIXe siècle - Metropolitan Art Museum - Japon, Tokyo, 2007
- Impresionismo : Un nuevo Renacimiento - Fundación Mapfre - Espagne, Madrid, 2010
- Birth of Impressionism. Masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay - Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco - Etats-Unis, San Francisco, 2010
- Birth of Impressionism. Masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay - Frist Center for Visual Arts - Etats-Unis, Nashville, 2010-2011
- Manet, inventeur du Moderne - musée d'Orsay - France, Paris, 2011
- The Ages of the Sea - Museu Calouste Gulbenkian - Portugal, Lisbonne, 2012-2013, n° 69, p. 176
- Manet : ritorno a Venezia - Palazzo Ducale - Italie, Venise, 2013
- Naissance de l'impressionnisme - National Art Center - Japon, Tokyo, 2014
- Manet e la Parigi moderna - Palazzo Reale - Italie, Milan, 2017
- Manet / Degas - musée d'Orsay - France, Paris, 2023
- Manet / Degas - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Etats-Unis, New York, 2023-2024
- L'impressionnisme et la mer - musée des Impressionnismes Giverny - France, Giverny, 2024
General bibliography
Jamot, Paul ; Wildenstein, Georges ; Bataille, Marie-Louise, Manet, catalogue critique, Paris, Imprimerie Léon Masotte, 1932, n°458
Tabarant, Adolphe, Manet et ses oeuvres, Paris, Gallimard, 1947, n°374
Orienti, Sandra, Tout l'oeuvre peint d'Édouard Manet, Paris, Flammarion, 1970, n°346 A
Rouart, Denis ; Wildenstein, Daniel, Edouard Manet. Catalogue raisonné. Tome I. Peintures, Lausanne/Paris, La Bibliothèque des arts, 1975, n°370
Darragon, Eric, La Revue de l'art, "Manet, l'Evasion", Paris, Comité français d'histoire de l'art, 1982, p. 25
Rosenblum, Robert, Les Peintures du Musée d'Orsay, Paris, Nathan, 1989, p. 260
Guégan, Stéphane ; Savy, Nicole, Regards d'écrivains au musée d'Orsay, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1992, p. 230
Exposition catalog
Bazin, Germain ; Goudareau, Jean, Manet, cat. exp. (Marseille, musée Cantini, du 16 mai au 31 juillet 1961), Marseille, musée Cantini, 1961, n° 31
Anonyme, Cinq années d'enrichissement du patrimoine national : 1975-1980, donations, dations, acquisitions, cat.exp (Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, 15 novembre 1980-2 mars 1981), Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1980, n° 127
Anciens et nouveaux : Choix d'oeuvres acquises par l'Etat ou avec sa participation de 1981 à 1985, cat. exp. (Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, du 05/11/1985 au 03/02/1986), Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1985, n° 127
Fath, Manfred ; Germer, Stefan, Edouard Manet : Augenblicke der Geschichte, cat. exp. (Mannheim, Kunsthalle, du 18/10/1992 au 17/01/1993), Munich, Prestel, 1992, n° 18
Mathieu, Caroline ; Bajac, Quentin ; Bocquillon-Ferretti, Marina ; Lobstein, Dominique, Aux couleurs de la mer, cat. exp. (Paris, musée d'Orsay, du 06/11/1999 au 16/01/2000), Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1999, n° 69
Husslein-Arco, Agnès ; Koja, Stephan, Rodin and Vienna, cat. exp. (Vienne, Belvédère, du 1er octobre 2010 au 06 février 2011), Vienne, Vienne, Belvédère, 2010, fig. 11 ; p. 104 ; p. 109 (reprod. coul.)
Guégan, Stéphane [sous la direction de] ; Burham, Helen ; Cahn, Isabelle ; Des Cars, Laurence ; Cogeval, Guy ; Cachin, Françoise, Manet. Inventeur du moderne., cat. exp. (Paris, musée d'Orsay, du 05 avril au 17 juillet 2011), Paris, Gallimard, 2011, n° 185
Cogeval, Guy ; Guégan, Stéphane ; Cahn, Isabelle ; Calasso, Roberto ; Pludermacher, Isolde, Manet. Ritorno a Venezia, cat. exp. (Venise, Palazzo Ducale, du 24 avril au 18 août 2013), Milan, Skira, 2013, cat. 79, p. 193 ; p. 194 (reprod. coul.)
Cogeval, Guy, Manet e la Parigi Moderna, cat. exp. (Milan, Palazzo Reale, du 8 mars au 2 juillet 2017), Milan, Skira, 2017, cat.29, pp. 110-11 ; pp.120-121 (reprod. coul.) ; pp. 221-222 (cartel technique)
Des Cars, Laurence ; Guégan, Stéphane ; Pludermacher, Isolde, Manet-Degas, cat. exp. (Paris, Musée d’Orsay du 28/03/2023 au 28/07/2023 ; New York, Metropolitan museum of art, du 24/09/2023 au 7/01/2024), Paris, Gallimard, 2023, cat. 79, p. 109 (reprod. coul.) ; pp. 112-113 ; p. 258
Summary catalog
Compin, Isabelle ; Roquebert, Anne, Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du Musée du Louvre et du Musée d'Orsay, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1986, vol.4, p.72
Compin, Isabelle [coordination] ; Lacambre, Geneviève [coordination] ; Roquebert, Anne, Musée d'Orsay. Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 1990, vol.2, p.301
Material and technique
Represented characters
Represented locations
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