Exhibition at the museum

Beyond the Stars. The Mystical Landscape from Monet to Kandinsky

From March 14th to June 25th, 2017 -
Musée d'Orsay
Esplanade Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
75007 Paris
Map & itinerary
Vincent van Gogh-Le Semeur
Vincent van Gogh
Le Semeur, arles, novembre 1888
Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
© Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation) / Maurice Tromp
Seeking an order beyond physical appearances, going beyond physical realities to come closer to the mysteries of existence, experimenting with the suppression of the self in an indissoluble union with the cosmos... It was the mystical experience above all else that inspired the Symbolist artists of the late 19th century who, reacting against the cult of science and naturalism, chose to evoke emotion and mystery.
The landscape, therefore, seemed to these artists to offer the best setting for their quest, the perfect place for contemplation and the expression of inner feelings.
Thus the exhibition, organised in partnership with the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, explores the genre of landscape principally through the works of Paul Gauguin, Maurice Denis, Ferdinand Hodler and Vincent Van Gogh, but also presents North American painters such as Giorgia O'Keeffe and Emily Carr, who are less well known in France.
Contemplation, the ordeal of the night or of war, the fusion of the individual with the cosmos, and the experience of the transcendental forces of nature, are stages in a mystical journey the exhibition invites you to take.

The exhibition is now over.

See the whole program
For further

Detailed presentation of the exhibition
