
Blanche Derousse

From September 19th, 2023 to March 10th, 2024 -
Musée d'Orsay
Cabinet d'arts graphiques
Salle 41, niveau 5
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Blanche Derousse
Branches de marronniers en fleurs, date indéterminée
Collection Musée d'Orsay - Département des Arts Graphiques du musée du Louvre, Paris
Achat, 1960
© RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay) / Michel Urtado
See the notice of the artwork
Blanche Derousse (1873-1911) was an artist whose brief, little-known career largely focused on the practice of copying. Musée d'Orsay presents the drawings she created based on works by Van Gogh in Doctor Gachet’s collection.

A close friend of Doctor Gachet’s, whose pupil she was, Blanche Derousse (1873-1911) was an artist whose brief, little-known career largely focused on the practice of copying. Between 1900 and 1902, she created a series of copies based on paintings by impressionists and Van Gogh belonging to Paul Gachet, who was a painter and engraver himself. Taking advantage of a favorable artistic environment, she produced smaller-format watercolor versions of works that have since become famous. These copies undoubtedly had to do with a book her teacher was planning to write on Vincent Van Gogh, and also testify to the young woman’s admiration for the artist.

The exhibition is now over.

See the whole program

Exhibition artworks