Exhibition at the museum


From October 08th, 1999 to January 03rd, 2000 -
Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais
Map & itinerary
Honoré Daumier-Don Quichotte et la mule morte
Honoré Daumier
Don Quichotte et la mule morte, en 1867
Musée d'Orsay
Don de la baronne Eva Gebhard-Gourgaud, 1965
© Musée d’Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Patrice Schmidt
See the notice of the artwork
Daumier remains one of the most popular artists in his century : everybody knows the pot-bellied bourgeois, the shady lawyers, King Louis-Philippe in the shape of a pear or Ratapoil, the imperial grass of his caricatures. He is also famous as the sculptor of busts of parliamentarians. Yet his being one of the greatest painters and draughtsmen of his time is less well-known : the man's discretion and the scattering of his work throughout the world went against him. Baudelaire, Delacroix, Degas and Picasso all admired him, and this retrospective should show the reason why.

The exhibition is now over.

See the whole program
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Detailed presentation of the exhibition
