Exhibition at the museum
Félix Thiollier (1842-1914), photographs
From November 13th, 2012 to March 10th, 2013
Usines au bord de l'Ondaine, environs de Firminy, 1895-1910
Collection particulière
© Musée d’Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Alexis Brandt
Having satisfied these desires by publishing illustrated books aimed at promoting both the conservation of the heritage of Forez and the work of his artist friends – the most prominent of whom included Auguste Ravier, Paul Borel and Jean-Paul Laurens – these passions went on to produce a talented amateur photographer.
Remaining resolutely on the fringes of the photographic circles of his time, Thiollier turned out to have created an original body of work which varied between picturesque, post-Romantic rural landscapes and a starkly lyrical view of an industrial world largely ignored by the artistic French photographers of the 19th and 20th centuries.
The exhibition is now over.
See the whole program