Exhibition at the museum

Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918)

From November 13th, 2007 to February 03rd, 2008 -
Musée d'Orsay
Esplanade Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
75007 Paris
Map & itinerary
Ferdinand Hodler-La pointe d'Andey, vallée de l'Arve (Haute-Savoie)
Ferdinand Hodler
La pointe d'Andey, vallée de l'Arve (Haute-Savoie), en 1909
Musée d'Orsay
Acq, 1987
© Musée d’Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Patrice Schmidt
See the notice of the artwork
Ferdinand Hodler was considered during his lifetime as a leading artist in the Modernist movement. Born in Berne in 1853, he lived in Geneva until his death in 1918, but this was a European career marked by both success and scandal. He was a member of the great Secessions and saw his work acclaimed in Vienna, Berlin and Munich. His triumph in Paris came in 1891 when his seminal painting Night (Berne, Kunstmuseum), was banned by the city of Geneva for reasons of obscenity. But at the same time, he was receiving major public commissions from Zürich, Geneva, Iena and Frankfurt. These produced many opportunities for the artist to indulge his taste for simplified, monumental or decorative paintings. Holdler is also an uncompromising portrait painter and unequalled landscape painter.

The exhibition is now over.

See the whole program
For further

Detailed presentation of the exhibition
