Exhibition at the museum

Vilhelm Hammershoi's (1864-1916) Poetical Universe

From November 19th, 1997 to March 01st, 1998 -
Musée d'Orsay
Esplanade Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
75007 Paris
Map & itinerary
© DR
Hammershoi is one of Denmark's most important painters. His roots may be found in the Golden Age tradition of the first half of the nineteenth century, although he remains profoundly original. His style is somewhere between impressionism and naturalism. He deals only with a limited number of well-defined genres: interiors - almost always his own home - without any human presence except sometimes a female character, generally seen from behind, architectural views, landscapes and a few, scarce portraits. A secret and solitary man, he had few friends. Diaghilev and Rainer Maria Rilke were among his admirers. His work shows striking resemblance with some contemporary figurative trends. Hammershøi's painting, with his use of a smooth technique, captivates one's attention by an enigmatic, secret quality and a will to use a limited range of colours.
The exhibition presents about sixty paintings organised not according to chronology, but on the basis of variations on a theme.

The exhibition is now over.

See the whole program