Dresdner Werkstätten für Handwerkskunst
Other forms of the name
Dresdner Werkstätten Schmidt und Müller (autre nom)
Schmidt und Müller (autre nom)
1898, Dresde, Allemagne
Dresde Allemagne
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As a reminder, the directory of artists and personalities aims to summarily identify artists and personalities with at least one file in the museum's documentation. It is not intended to be a biographical dictionary.
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Documentary resources
Consultation location :
Orsay Museum, documentation department
Sezione :
arts décoratifs
Practical information
Works around Dresdner Werkstätten für Handwerkskunst in the CCBMN catalogue are at the library.
Consult the catalog
Atelier de Dresde de l'art artisanal, fabricant essentiellement des objets en bois et du mobilier.