
Other forms of the name

La Photographie d'Art  (autre nom)

Reutlinger  (autre nom)

Studio Reutlinger  (autre nom)

entre 1850 et 1924 Paris Paris (75) France

Studio fondé par Charles Reutlinger qui sera repris par son frère Emile puis par son neveu Léopold qui le rebatisera "La Photographie d'Art".


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As a reminder, the directory of artists and personalities aims to summarily identify artists and personalities with at least one file in the museum's documentation. It is not intended to be a biographical dictionary.

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Documentary resources

Consultation location : Orsay Museum, documentation department
Sezione : photographie
Practical information


Works around Reutlinger in the CCBMN catalogue are at the library.
Consult the catalog
Notice ID : 35971
Data modifica : 04 Aprile 2023